Friday we had this huge ALT meeting where every single ALT from Gunma had to go to Maebashi for a day long seminar. It was pretty much just like the other 2 years I had to go. After it was over, there was a JET program thanksgiving dinner event. I went with Andy and a few other ALTs I know were there like Jessie and stuff. When we walked in they had this big table cloth made of paper and a bunch of markers and people were just drawing shit all over it. Most of it was Thanksgiving related but I just drew an Alien head and wrote "The thruth is out there." cuz X-Files is cooler than thanksgiving. A girl named Chelsie made the most awsome picture of Andy which he will some day use as his logo when he opens his own resturaunt.
The food was pretty good and I got my fill of like 2 full plates, another half plate, and a bunch of pie so I was good. I split a bottle of red wine with Andy too.
After the dinner was over, a bunch of the ALTs went back to Takasaki to go drinking at an Izakaya. Emmet met up with us at Takasaki station. From there we headed to Yamato, which is an awsome Izakaya I had been to a few times before. They have like liter size beers for only 400 yen! Cant beat that. I gave Jessie a snus for the first time and this one other girl who I just met tried one for the first time too. I was surprised how well they handled it. Jessie even enjoyed it! Pretty cool.
We stayed there and drank for a few hours and then some people came and went as the time went on. At some point like 20 something ALTs were all sitting at our table and I knew maybe 1/3 of them at best. Emmet and I eventually decided we wanted to go check out this one other bar so we left. We walked around for a bit and couldnt find it but then we ran into some of the ALTs from before and ended up going to Karaoke with them. On the way there, this one dude was like making this really stupid joke and he just kept saying it over and over again and laughing a lot. It was kinda annoying so I was like...
me: "Hey you're pretty funny man! I have a joke too!"
dude: "ok"
me "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
dude: "why?"
me: "FUCK YOU!"
I was just being drunk and fucking around, wasnt trying to really start anything. The guy didnt seem to mind.
Anywa, Karaoke was pretty fun I guess but about a half hour before we left, everyone was getting tired as hell. I made sure to expose everyone to Holy Thunderforce for my first song though and half of them just had this WTF look on their faces which made it way more fun. And that one dude who kept making that lame joke at least had good taste in music and was singing along to all the metal I requested.
Andy left early to get extra sleep so when Emmet and I left, we had to find Andy's place by ourselves. Ive been at Andys a bunch of times but he always leads the way when we walk there at night all drunk. We were also coming from a different direction so as a result, we got lost and ended up walking around for a long time. I eventually asked for directions at a Denny's and they said we were really far so I asked them to just call us a cab and told the driver to take us to a place near his apartment that he knew. Once we got there it was easy to find but it was already really late, like past 5 am.
The next day we woke up really late... maybe at like 2:30 pm. We headed out and walked to the station. We got some McDonalds for the train ride to save time on eating. I played some scribblenaughts for the first time in a while and the other guys sorta watched and helped me think of ideas. I ended up having to take a huge dump like soon after eating the McDonalds and I was holding it for like about an hour and a half cuz I didnt wanna use the train bathroom. They are always filthy and they are the squatter type that has no seat, and they often dont even have toilet paper, and using one of those on a moving train isnt very fun. Neither was holding it though cuz it seriously fucking hurt. Emmet was making fun of me about it so I told him "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and he knew what was up. Since we were playing scribblaughts I also told him how I wish I could use my stylus to summon a matter transporting device to teleport my crap into his body so he could suffer instead of me. LOL... but then to make matters worse, as we were pulling into Shinjuku station to get off, the train got delayed and I had to sit there holding it an extra like 10 minutes. Eventually I got off the train and took care of that shit asap.
After that, we stopped at Donkihote cuz Emmet needed a new belt. Today there was another international party. I wasnt gonna go to this one at first either but we arrived in Shinjuku so late, todays party was a thanksgiving one with all you can eat turkey feast, and it was also at the Nishi Shinjuku Hotel on the top floor which is located like 1 minute walk away from Current, so it was just too convenient to pass up. Plus Andy was going too so I figured I might as well tag along.
This one was run by the same group that ran the last 2 I went to. Emmet was able to get his backpack back since he ended up leaving it at the last one and he was lucky that all his stuffy was still inside and everything. The staff recognized Emmet instantly before he even asked about the bag which just shows that perhaps he goes to too many of these things lol.
The awsome black chef dude with the handlebar mustache was there again. Lets just call him Mr. Chefstache. The buffet had all the fixings of a classic Thanksgiving dinner. They had a full bar again and I drank good beer all night. It got pretty packed towards the end. Those chinese chicks we talked to at the last one were there again. Also, there was this girl in a pink hat with her friend. Emmet thought the hat girl was hot so we went to talk to them. We chatted with them for a good while and it was going well. At one point the pink hat girl was holding her friends drink while she was in the bathroom, so she had one in each hand. I told her in America we call that double fisting. So Emmet tells her to say "I love double fisting" and recorded it with his phone. You can find the video on facebook here.
There was also this one girl there all by herself who butted into the conversation and was just annoying as hell and she wouldnt leave us alone. She kept saying really stupid shit. Like, I toasted everyone we were talking to with a kanpai (Japanese way to say cheers), and the annoying dumb chick was like "why are you doing that? Are you trying to get them drunk!? You are a terrable person!" The other thing I dont get was she was speaking to me only in Japanese, which is fine with me as I was as well, but she told me she was married and here by herself. I asked her why she came and she said to practice English, so then I asked her if I should speak English so she can practice and she told me to just speak Japanese. We invited the other girls to come to Current with us and this other chick was trying to like force herself to go along with us. As we were leaving the party, she like forgot something and asked us to wait for her, so we just got the fuck outta there as soon as we could. Last thing I want is some girl who felt like she was practicly stalking me (she just kept following me around and wouldnt leave us alone at the party... seriously...) to find out about the bar I go to all the time.
So we get to Current with the other 2 girls, and Andy ended up bringing 2 OTHER girls that wanted to join him. So us 3 guys are sitting with the 4 girls at a table for a bit. Current was pretty packed since tonight was one of the classic Metal Insanity events. All the usual metal event guys were there, plus Current staff, Ayano, Notchi, and a few others. We sat with those girls for a while and it was going really well for Emmet and the hat girl. The other girl had a boyfriend just as I have a girlfriend and just went to chill with her friend but I talked with her a bit and she was nice. They left before the last train. Also, Tomoko and Mai were there and we told them how we were going to Zin soon. They had never been there so they wanted to come with us.
After a little while, we all went to Zin. On the way there as we were walking away from Current, we passed by the entire International Party staff who I guess just finished cleaning up and were just chilling on the side of the road. They recognized us and said hi, LOL!
Tonight it was Nozomi's real birthday party. She works at Zin. I hadnt been there in forever so it was nice to go back again. There were maybe about 15 people there which is pretty packed given how small Zin is. Just about every single person there was someone I know from Current or from Zin or other bars. This one girl showed up in a very... interesting red dress! You can see it in the pictures. Yoshi was very hospitable as always. We sat with Tomoko and Mai for a while and they were showing us funny videos on their iPods and stuff and they were messing around on my DS. They said they wanna go skiing with me in Gunma when it starts snowing sometime. Eventually Tomoko and Mai left to go dancing in Shibuya or something and we sat with the other people. Emmet got sick of Zin so he went to go check out PSY by himself. Andy and I stayed a bit longer drinking with everyone else. I enjoyed some absinthe which is always awsome. At some point later on, Sushi and Chip showed up with was pretty cool too.
We decided after a while that we wanted to check out Current again cuz the Metal Event was pretty rockin. When we returned to Current, it was still going strong. Emmet showed up right after I did and Chibi Testament had followed him from PSY LOL! She was pretty wasted too. At some point she was standing in the doorway with no pants on.. and I have no idea why. The rest of the time was cool just chillin and listening to music and drinking beer. When the event ended we headed over to PSY.
Some PSY regulars were there. Some girl from Poland was there too who just moved to Japan. I got a beer and ended up falling asleep for like the last 20 minutes or so but I finished my beer. Also, they didnt play any Dream Theater this time which is like almost unheard of for PSY.
After we left the bar, Emmet and Andy decided to just go back to Gunma. I stayed at the manga kissa by myself.
I woke up the next day and got enough rest. I hadnt played a single fighting game yet all weekend and was honestly fiending kinda hard. I started off going to the south side of Shinjuku to go to some of the less busy arcades in hopes to find an empty BB:CS machine so that I could try practicing with the character I decided I was going to main. After watching some vids and thinking about it, I had decided that I am now going to play Hakumen! His new pokes are awsome zoning tools and his back C is very much like Fuasts standing slash, while his new jumping C is like Fausts jumping H.Slash. Not exactly the same but they control space in a similar way and I love characters with good long pokes. He also isnt complete garbage in this game anymore and Arakune was getting boring to use honestly.
I went to Spot 21 and some guy was playing alone but then after I put the money in I realized it was the old BB and not CS... doh! I played anyway, and then after I lost I went to Joybox. They had one BB:CS cab for 50 yen a game which was cool. 2 guys were playing Hakumen mirror match. When one guy lost, he left so I played Hakumen mirror match vs the other guy. This was my very first time using Hakumen in this game. In fact I had never used him in the old BB either. I lost a few but was doing pretty well given the circumstances. I eventually won. Then some other guy came and beat me and then there were lots of people so I decided to check out Club Sega Shinjuku. They had 3 cabs going but no empty cabs. I played against some Jin player and lost. Then I figured I might as well just play at Mikado cuz at least I could play GG there as well. On the way out, I ran into MIU who was working. I hadnt seen him since SBO. We had a good chat. He said that in a week, he will be visiting New York and will be staying with Karl Kablisk. It will be his first time in NY. Pretty cool. He also told me that next week at Club Sega, there is a 5 on 5 GG tournament. If I am in Tokyo I will try to go to it for sure.
After saying bye to MIU, I headed to Takadanobaba Mikado. There were a couple people playing GG but there really wasnt much comp throughout the day. I started off playing against Taku's Slayer. He beat me like 6 in a row or something but then I finally beat him. Osaka B popped out of no where and said hi to me but I didnt even see him play anything at all and then he just vanished. Also, Mike was there playing a bunch of random games but didnt touch any GG. I played against other various people and did well for the most part in GG but the comp died down later on. I also played a bunch of BB:CS. There was much more comp for that today. Despite it being my first time playing as Hakumen, somehow I still managed to get a few wins here and there. I even got to go through the whole game in arcade mode so I was able to test a few things out. Im sure once I learn his combos and just get used to the character, I can get pretty good with him. It was fun and I enjoyed playing so I will probably try to play a bit more BB now, but im still gonna play tons of GG. I havnt been playing any SFIV lately anymore... I guess im getting a little tired of it. During the last hour or so, I talked to Udei a little bit and then played against some May player and was doing really well against him and beating him way more than he beat me. Then I had to go so I told him after winning the last one that I needed to go home, good games etc.
I got some food on the way and then headed to the station and made my way home.
Overall it was a pretty fun weekend. I honestly have no idea what im doing next weekend yet but if I do go to Tokyo I will most likely hit up that 5 on 5 GG tournament.
Monday, November 30, 2009
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